Grants & Scholarships Forms
- 2025-2026 Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant (Fall 2025/ Spring 2026) – Application deadline is September 15, 2025
- 2025-2026 Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant (Fall 2025/ Spring 2026) – Tuition Equity Provision – Application deadline is September 15, 2025
- 2025-2026 Two Year College Transfer Grant Application (Fall 2025/ Spring 2026)
- Methodist Scholarship Application
- Selective Service Form
- Verification is a process in which the school must review the information on a student’s Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for accuracy. The Department of Education selects student for verification every year. A student may be selected once, or may have to complete verification every year the student completes a FAFSA. Shenandoah University does not determine who or how frequently these students get selected. Shenandoah University does, however, have the ability to institutionally select students for verification every year. This process is very similar to the Department of Education’s requirements for standard verification.
- SU ID number on every page – Please include the student’s SU ID number on every page of verification documentation submitted. The SU ID is necessary to match documents received to the appropriate student account.
- Verification Forms
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Other Required Documentation (Comment Codes or C-Codes on the FAFSA)
Outside Scholarships
- Students are strongly encouraged to pursue scholarships from outside the university. Your home community and the Internet can be great potential sources for a scholarship. Also, do not stop applying for scholarships once you have been enrolled at Shenandoah University. Outside scholarship opportunities will continue to become available throughout your academic career.
- Find outside scholarship resources
- If you receive scholarships from outside of Shenandoah University, please make our office aware by reporting them by selecting the “Report/View Outside Awards” tab from the menu in Hornet Hub.
Alternative/Private Loans
- Alternative/private student loans are outside funds borrowed from a bank or lending institution and not part of the Federal Student Aid Program. Accordingly, it is not necessary to file a FAFSA or other federal forms in order to receive these loans. Many students and parents opt for these loans when they are looking for more flexible repayment options than those available with federal loans, such as placing the loan in the student’s name.
- Looking for a Private Lender? FastChoice provides information about private loans in an easy-to-understand format to help students determine which private student loan best meets their needs.
- Student Lending Code of Conduct
Loan Adjustment Form
- Please complete this form if you would like to adjust or lower your loan amount (this can be to cover only tuition and fees, or to a requested amount), cancel loans entirely, or reinstate certain loans that were previously cancelled/rejected.
Understanding My Financial Aid
- I received my financial aid packaged but what do all these numbers mean? We have put together a step-by-step walk though of your aid package. This walk through is designed to help students better understand the types of aid offered in their award letter.
- Understanding my financial aid
Summer Semester Financial Aid
- Shenandoah University has two Summer semesters, one that begins before July 1st and one that begins after July 1st and beyond. If you intend to take Summer classes, please review the Summer Financial Aid page.
Financial Literacy
- Financial literacy is having the knowledge and skills to manage your financial resources.
Financial Aid Rights & Responsibilities
- 99% of students at Shenandoah receive some sort of financial aid. As a recipient of financial aid funds the student has rights and responsibilities.
- Please review our Financial Aid Rights & Responsibilities page to learn more.
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
- SAP is measured by GPA, Pace and 150% or max time.
- Find more information about SAP or complete a SAP appeal.
Professional Judgment
- Professional Judgment is the review of a student’s eligibility for financial aid due to extenuating circumstances that may change the family’s ability to contribute to the student’s educational expenses.
- If you have extenuating circumstances that may impact the family’s ability to contribute to your education please complete our Professional Judgment Form.
Overaward Information
- An overaward takes place when a student’s financial aid package exceeds their need or overall cost-of-attendance (COA). This can happen when need-based aid exceeds a student’s financial need, or when a student’s total financial aid exceeds total COA. Need-based aid includes Subsidized Direct Loans, some grants and scholarships, Federal Work-Study, and potentially some forms of third-party aid. Financial aid that is not considered “need-based” can include Unsubsidized Direct Loans, Parent PLUS Direct Loans, Grad PLUS Direct Loans, merit-based scholarships, and possibly some types of third-party aid. When an overaward occurs, Shenandoah may be required to reduce, adjust or cancel a student’s financial aid package to keep the student within their cost-of-attendance (COA) and to remain compliant with federal financial aid regulations. Should you have any questions please feel free to Contact the Office of Financial Aid.
- The Office of Financial Aid participates is many events throughout the year. Presentations are a part of many of these events.
- Review the presentations or the open house information.
- Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) – The FAFSA is the application used to apply for Federal Financial aid
- Federal Student Aid ID – The FSAID is used to electronically sign your FAFSA and access your Federal Student Aid records online, parents will also need a FSAID for dependent students
- – Students and parents can complete Entrance Counseling, sign their Master Promissory Notes as well as Apply for Federal Parent and Graduate PLUS Loans
- Private Education Loan Applicant Self-Certification Form – Please complete this form is you are receiving a private loan
- FSA Student Loan Ombudsman Office – The Ombudsman Group is dedicated to helping resolve disputes related to Direct Loans, Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program loans, Guaranteed Student Loans, and Perkins Loans. Phone: 877-557-2575; Fax: 606-396-4821; Mail: FSA Ombudsman Group, P.O. Box 1843, Monticello, KY 42633
- Student Refund Information – Electronic refund checks are available to students who receive financial aid in excess of the amount necessary to cover tuition, fees, and room and board charges.
At Shenandoah we understand that Financial Aid is an important, and sometimes confusing, factor in your college search process. We are here to help you understand your Shenandoah University financial aid package and financial options. Contact the Office of Financial Aid.